Where Has America Gone?

Recently a verdict was given in a trial about the shooting and killing of two individuals, and the injuring of a third during a Black Lives Matter protest. Whether you agree with verdict or not, and I don’t, is not the point of this post.
We have a judicial system that works in mysterious ways at times and is not always fair or correct. But certainly better than most.

What concerns me is the celebratory nature of the comments being made by certain members of the media and certain politicians. People DIED! And the same people that call themselves “pro-life” are celebrating the person that killed them as a hero. Some are calling this a call to arms and calling for people to rise up against those they disagree with.

When did walking into the streets with a weapon and shooting people become, not only ok, but heroic? When did attacking the Capital because you don’t like an election result become ok? When did death threats to members of Congress become acceptable behavior? When did shooting a man running through a neighborhood become something we should live with? When did we start believing politicians knew better about our health than scientists? When did common sense turn upside down and insanity become the rule of the day?

This country has claimed for years to be the shining example of Democracy. A place of laws. A place of Civil debates, where people could rightfully protest without fear and the peoples vote mattered.

Now it is turning into a violent third world country where people verbally, physically and at times kill, others over politics, the color of their skin or their religion. Where greed and selfishness are held to a higher regard than empathy, compassion or the Constitution. A Country where truth is succumbing to the lust for power.

I don’t really care what side of the political aisle you find yourself on, or if you agree with me or not. And some of you may drop me from your timeline because of this post. I am not going to lose sleep over any of that. Because I love the United States I grew up believing in. The one where, All men and women, were created equal. The one with liberty and justice for all. The one with freedom to believe in your God or in none. The one with civility and caring for those in need.
The one where common sense lived, others health and well being mattered. And a day when if we wanted change we not only voted but accepted the results of that vote.
My ask is each and every one of us look in the mirror and decide if the way we are going is really what you want.

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